A Workshop event diving deep into the world of finding replenishable items for your Amazon business.
This is a TWO DAY live workshop event was held virtually, February 27th and 28th. Hours and hours of in depth sourcing methods, practice, testing, freebies, and breakout sessions.
The entire event was recorded and put into a Facebook group so that folks can still ask questions and have discussions.
The follow up event to our most successful workshop EVER.
Take a look at what everyone else is saying about it (Or just go to The Hustle Buddies Facebook group and search for yourself).
Or read just some of the 100+ of comments we've already had about this workshop
This workshop was RECORDED. You will be granted access to the previous workshops recording PLUS access to the live event (and it's recording) once you request access.
Workshop Outline
Day 1 - The Basics - Goal Setting - Breaking down the big picture of Replens - Criteria and framework for finding Replens - Logistics and tracking - In depth Keepa training - RA "source with me" session. - RA strategies and processes - OA "source with me" session. - OA breakdown sourcing manually - OA breakdown using Tactical Arbitrage - Reverse sourcing breakdown, strategies, live examples, stores. - Group Practice - Q/A + Hangout session. - Small group"homework"
Day 2 - More examples and live sourcing. - Practice / show and tell using strategies learned - Tactical Arbitrage Deep Dive -Break out sessions features experts and coaches. (Business Mindset coaches, Wholesale coaches, Small and light training, FBM training, Hiring/Firing/Training employees, SOPs, Using virtual assistants, and more....) - Group Practice - Q/A + hangout session
The Week After Bonus Trainings: - Building custom Tactical Arbitrage Xpaths training - Replen Tracking - Wholesale company lists and contacts - Scaling your business past 40k/mo - Using Buy/Leads lists - Receipt and Inventory Tracking - Prep and Ship employee training SOP - Out sourcing - More Keepa.
** Schedule and topics subject to change **
Yes - It is being recorded and will be available to everyone. The entire workshop will be hosted in a private Facebook Group and all material will be accessible there.
Nathan Jackson
Former teacher turned 7 figure Amazon seller. Formed "Hustle Buddies" in 2019 and has been helping people of all levels grow their business ever since.
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